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Looking for human pilots to fly with

Alexandre Etzlinger

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Alexandre Etzlinger

Hello everyone,


I am looking to fly with people in a shared cockpit environment (flight deck connection) P3D or Xplane!

Let me introduce myself and speak a bit about my simulation wish;


My name is Alex, I am 25, I am an aviation enthusiast ❤️ . I live in Switzerland.

I started flight simulation with FSX and the 737 PMDG, more than 10 years ago.

In real life, I worked in the aviation industry as a Flight Coordinator, a Technical Flight Instructor, and a cabin crew.


I initially started with IVAO as an ATC and Pilot 10 years ago, and I moved to VATSIM 2 years ago, as a pilot mainly. I've always been very "into it", I am always looking to be "as real as it gets", I love to be "role play" with my sessions... printing OFPs, flying real schedule, trying to fit into the Captain/FO role of the airline I am flying (making announcements, briefings, looking out for the airline real-life special operations...). I even avoid flying airlines where I know they won't recruit me in real life because I don't speak the local language or my english isn't good enough (ex. US airlines) haha... yes call me crazy :P. But I am also a gamer, and I really enjoy the simulation for what it is offering; be as realistic as you can.


I learned SOPs, FCOMs, QRH... I have very good knowledge of CPL and PPL stuff as I flew in real life as a private pilot too. I speak French, English, a bit German, and a bit Russian. I am very concern and entusiast about CRM (Crew Ressource Management), I am very concerned and enthusiastic about CRM (Crew Ressource Management), I am reading a lot of aviation accident and incident cases about it.I am reading a lot of aviation accident and incident cases about it.


I would love to find peoples who are interested to fly "as real as it gets", online (in VATSIM), with the Aerosoft series P3D (I fly the Fslabs, but the Aerosoft have the flight deck connection feature), the Dash Q400 Majestic Software P3D, the B737 IXEG Classic in Xplane with Smartcopilot or the Zibo 737 in Smartcopilot.


You must have a good and unrestricted internet connection to be allowed to connect ourselves (this is the only true requirement). I don't care if you are just 14 or 24 years old, experienced or not...

As long as you are an enthusiast like me, willing to role-play, and be realistic.


Feel welcome to contact me :)

I am also happy to "teach" or "train" you :) if you feel more like a curious beginner

and of course I will be happy to meet you :D I love to talk and discover people






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  • 1 month later...
Mickael Arcos

Hello @Alexandre Etzlinger. Thank you for sharing your help and experience.

I like flying on X-Planes, and I am always curious to see the community in action, in Observer mode. I never had the courage to join an event and speak on the ATC, which I find really too intimidating... Also I don't fly big planes, and I only see them in those events. I like small jets, like the Cirrus SF50 that I know how to operate (roughly).

Observing someone from the inside, with comments, would be very helpful for me. For now I have silly questions like how does push back work, what is the first thing to say when you are ready to take of, how to file a flight plan... I don't fly IFR so that's one thing on top of it...

In real like, I now have my PPL 🙂 so I am pretty I could navigate in the simulator!

If you still have some time and your proposition is still valid, we could maybe fly together at some point?

I also speak French, I live in south of France.

Take care,


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Alexandre Etzlinger

Hey Mickaël, thanks for your message 🙂 I will send you a private message!

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  • 2 months later...
Atli Lomstein

Add you on FB 👍


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