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Which software setup?: Starting from scratch.


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I am very new to the whole FS scene. It was only yesterday that I heard of VATSIM to be honest, and had a late night absorbing as much as I could before th eyelids dropped. I will continue to read much more no doubt. Some questions to help me on the right track (and hopefully save me some install / un-install frustrations!)


I have FSX.


1. Squawkbox or FSinn...or do I need both?

2. What about the VoIP / voice client software. Which is regarded as the best out there in terms of reliability / quality of use.

3. Is there a specific ACARS (I only learnt about ACARS yesterday) client? How does VATSIM trck flight data for recording and flight log purposes

4. What else might I need to get connected and operation on the VATSIM network?

5. What UK location and time would be agood place to start observing the basics of ATC comms?


I will continue to 'piece' things together, but thought that someone's experience might save me some h[Mod - Happy Thoughts]le along the way. Can't wait to get involved, but want to do things correctly from the start. I expect that it will be a few weeks before I actually get 'online' other than observing from afar.


Any help is appreciated.

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Norman Blackburn



Firstly welcome to VATSIM! Hopefully I can briefly answer your questions.


1. Since you have FSX then at the moment FSInn is your only option. SB4 remains in closed beta for now.

2. All VATSIM software has built in voice clients so no need for anything else.

3. Flights are automatically tracked so it is possible to look back at who flew a given callsign or who flew into a particular airport.

4. Nothing else needed - just FS and a pilot client.

5. Sometimes it is easiest to look at one of the smaller fields - most tend to control somewhere that they know in real life. The UK have their own website and forum at www.vatsim-uk.org where you will find a very vibrant community willing and able to get you in the skies and behind the radar scopes should you so wish!



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Thanks for [Mod - Happy Thoughts]isting, I am reading through the PRC etc etc. It seems that Squawkbox's developer seems to have other workload in his life, and so I understand FSInn is the way forward. What Pilot Client are you referring to? and what would you recommend?

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Norman Blackburn



The SB developer started a new business just as FSX was hitting the shelves. It isn't just as bad as it seems - right now Im flying with SB4 albeit with a few bugs. I don't imagine it will be that long before we see an FSX version of SB available.


FSInn and SB3 (for FS8 and FS9) and X-Squawkbox (for X-Plane) are the only pilot clients with built in voice. Since you are using FSX at this time you only have one choice - FSInn. Note that FSInn doesn't work with VISTA.



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I will continue to absord more of the PRC and search for previous posts on the forum. It is becoming clearer.....

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