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Arab flight simulation website

Mahmoud Fadli 819693

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Mahmoud Fadli 819693

Hey everyone,


I remember a long time ago there used to be a website called "simflight Arabia." From what I know, it's gone.


Does anyone know of any Arab flight simulation websites or communities? And if not, does anyone want to join forces and start one?


I think that the biggest reason that the Middle East is inactive (especially the Arab countries) is simply because we're not organized. There is no true Arab flight simulation community where people can update each other on what's going on. That's probably why, when you think about it, there is little information about Middle Eastern airports and procedures.


Any ideas?


Mahmoud A. Fadli - 819693

Deputy Region Director

VATSIM Africa & Middle East Region


"Strength in Diversity"

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Ahmed Hasan 958620





that's a small community for Egyptian Simmers which include some arabs as well


it's totally in arabic except the part for MSR VA (Egyptair Virtual) which will start soon isA


Of Course i would like to give a hand to do something for our nations


let's take a step forward


I think VATSIM neglecting the Middle East especially arab countries resulted in low reputation for VATSIM in middle east that's why people here prefered the other network ?

Ahmed H[Mod - Happy Thoughts]an


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Mark Richards

Hi Mahmoud


I've only flown into Middle East airspace a few times (usually Dubai!) and have to say that I have been really fortunate to have had ATC online on all but one occasion and the ATC was really good.


VATAME has a very good website with all manner of information. Have a look at the VATSIM Africa and Middle East Wesbite for more information, I've found it very worthwhile a number of times.


One only needs to look at the number of countries that VATAME is responsible for to begin to understand the enormity of the task they have to service each and every one of them.


There's only one sure way to get the Arab Countries active and that is to support VATAME and help in the formation of new vACCs.


Good luck in helping to be part of establishing this part of the world online on VATSIM!



Mark Richards (811451)

Auckland, New Zealand



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Ahmed Hasan 958620
Hi Mahmoud


I've only flown into Middle East airspace a few times (usually Dubai!) and have to say that I have been really fortunate to have had ATC online on all but one occasion and the ATC was really good.


VATAME has a very good website with all manner of information. Have a look at the VATSIM Africa and Middle East Wesbite for more information, I've found it very worthwhile a number of times.


One only needs to look at the number of countries that VATAME is responsible for to begin to understand the enormity of the task they have to service each and every one of them.


There's only one sure way to get the Arab Countries active and that is to support VATAME and help in the formation of new vACCs.


Good luck in helping to be part of establishing this part of the world online on VATSIM!




that's totally correct BUT people aren't going to join VATSIM for the VATAME Good website

they have to hear about it from forums,sites things like that

VATSIM as i said has low reputation in Middle East & africa that's why we have all to work to brighten the VATSIM's image in their area of the world

Ahmed H[Mod - Happy Thoughts]an


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Richard Jenkins

I think Ahmed and Mahmoud have volunteered to be the VATAME Publicity Department ! ...


Seriously, VATSIM is committed to the development of the flightsim community in the Middle East and Africa. We are constantly looking for new and creative ways to get the region more active in the VATSIM skies. For example, the creation of GULF_FSS was the beginning of opening up further ATC in the region. It is my belief that members in the local areas should develop the community, since they are better suited to know local resources and potential members. A sense of community is essential in the development of a region.


We are very interested in hearing suggestion or comments on how to better develop the region from the members within the region. VATSIM has always had a tradition of having local members develop the community, we feel that makes for the strongest organization and maintains stability.


It is dependent upon local members to bring forward resources such as sites, forums, and other media in their regions so VATSIM can leverage those sources to promote online ATC for the benefit of all members.


So lets get those lists together!



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Ilan Jonas 860311
I think Ahmed and Mahmoud have volunteered to be the VATAME Publicity Department ! ...





For a start, Vatsim isn't neglecting the Mid-East - I say this as a fact, being the person who is on charge of the area. Vatsim had a slow start in Africa-Mid East, yes: When I came to Vatsim, the former South African division ("VATRSA") was falling apart, and there was no other divisions or vACCs, just sporadic activity by individuals I can count with my fingers (Shadi included BTW ).


Yes, Vatsim had a bad reputation in Israel as well, but that was easy to solve: we gave it a try and easily found out that Vatsim is far superior to its contestants. I believe Arab simmers seek no less realism than the rest of the world, so the result would be the same if you guys bring others to give it a try.

Look where we are today: after having ZERO divisions, we have on different stages of activity: Lebanon (+Syria probably), Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco-Algiers, Gulf division, Saudi-Arabia-Bahrain, Iran, Cape Verde, Mauritious, Congo and of course South Africa. This is huge IMO, but only stage one: it is up to the local communities to further develope the vACCs, and there are many ways to do it.

VATAME is planning to have a public relations person in the near future, to help you guys with ideas and resources as far as we can - but nothing stops you from starting by yourselves: build an apealing VA, spread the word in local forums, make special events, build sceneries and make connections with other Vatsim VAs and vACCs to increase traffic. Create guys, Create - this is how I did it with my wonderful staff, and trust me - you'll enjoy every second.

Ilan Jonas

Senior Instructor-I3

Former Vatsim Africa/Middle East Region Director(2004-2012)


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Ebrahim Kooheji 984076



Well its flagrantly that the gulf_fss worked for some time, but later on it failed, there is no one connecting as gulf_fss anymore, i think Anas Toumi also stopped. I duno if im sterotyping or anything, but in mid. east the arabs are most likley into business and economics, so there isn't any people for mideast flying online... alot


second reason is that, many arab people in vatsim are kids, and im guessing im a kid to and a enthuist to flight sim... and most people no offense despise in a way kids flying or atcing, cause in a way for proffesional causes..


and im guessing you noticed it, we in middle east dun have that enough of scenery, we got omdb which really attract pilots and other than that we got oman mesh and bahrain freeware airport, then simple addons.... which in a fact dosn't attract that many pilots... i dun recall seeing doha airport or oman or yemen or any airport in saudi


and returning to the point of atc, there are not that much of atc going on, i just saw gulf_fss once (3-4 month ago), doha app, omaa_ctr,omdb_twr_omdb_gnd,omdb_app thats it.


anyways not drafting away from Mahmood topic, i would really appreciate of opening one, but im busy doing a new olba scenery in 3ds max 7 (facing prblems inshalla going to repair them and get fsregen somewhere).


but i thank you Mahmood for opening this topic, because indeed this topic will surley attract or build up a new commitee in Middle East in Vatsim.


Ebrahim Kooheji




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Ahmed Hasan 958620
I think Ahmed and Mahmoud have volunteered to be the VATAME Publicity Department ! ...


LOL my pleasure sir I am always here to help and anywhere to show that our arab/mid east community is still in the air


I believe Arab simmers seek no less realism than the rest of the world, so the result would be the same if you guys bring others to give it a try.

that's correct ..But they seek more advertising and attention


we have on different stages of activity: Lebanon (+Syria probably), Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco-Algiers, Gulf division, Saudi-Arabia-Bahrain, Iran, Cape Verde, Mauritious, Congo and of course South Africa. This is huge IMO, but only stage one: it is up to the local communities to further develope the vACCs, and there are many ways to do it.


I am sorry to say that even with this number of VACCs 90% of them is inactive


Morocco-Algiers I don't think they have any traffic,Controllers..etc.. and never found them advertising an event although some times i find a guy or 2 controlling there


(Gulf division, Saudi-Arabia-Bahrain)= VATSAB = the guy who started it after contorlling there for around 10 continuos days he stopped controlling they even didn't make an opening event


Iran ---> is there really a Iranian VACC in VATSIM first time to hear about it



A suggestion for VATSIM is maybe the staff members must be on trial for a month or 2 after starting any VACC maybe that's like the other network but it guarantees the activity of the VACC

the new thing for VATSIM is : Every VACC director must recieve a full report every 6-12 month from his departments managers to see what they did during this period and he have to send it to VATAME Director or the regional Director to see who is sleeping and who is really doing his job


sorry for writing a novel in my reply



Ahmed H[Mod - Happy Thoughts]an


Ahmed H[Mod - Happy Thoughts]an


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Mahmoud Fadli 819693

I agree with Ilan, but I also have to say that flight simulation in the Middle East is just starting to boom. Keep in mind that readily available internet acess is just now becoming a norm in the region, and not too soon afterwards will we see some increases in Middle Eastern participation with VATSIM.


However, more needs to be done on our parts (as heads of Arab vACCs) to help encourage traffic generation from the Middle East as a whole. After all, our area of expertise IS our own region (I am in Amman 1/4 of the year), and the more we do there in the form of advertising and speaking with friends who know friends etc., the more we'll see some increases in VATAME's Middle Eastern sector.


With regards to volonteering for VATAME's PR in the Middle East, I'd love to. As a matter of fact, I can offer to help with PR for all Arabic Speaking Countries within VATAME's domain.


My point is that when we see a more organized Arab flight simulation community, we will see an increase in traffic in VATSIM. Let's not worry about other networks; the beautiful of the underdeveloped Middle East on VATSIM is the fact that we have the ability to look at OTHER networks, see where their faults are with regards to policies etc., and impliment better, more efficient and realistic vACCs in the Middle East here on VATSIM; in a way, we're truly being part of a 'revolution' of sorts.


Either way, my email is [email protected]; if Ilan or Mr. Jenkins would like to contact me, please do. I am 100% ready to help in the PR efforts of VATAME. My dream is to see VATAME and the Middle East more active than VATUSA or VATEUR (ok I'm dreaming, so what??)!


Insha'Allah (God Willing), we can all do this together.


Mahmoud A. Fadli - 819693

Deputy Region Director

VATSIM Africa & Middle East Region


"Strength in Diversity"

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Mahmoud Fadli 819693


Well its flagrantly that the gulf_fss worked for some time, but later on it failed, there is no one connecting as gulf_fss anymore, i think Anas Toumi also stopped. I duno if im sterotyping or anything, but in mid. east the arabs are most likley into business and economics, so there isn't any people for mideast flying online... alot


second reason is that, many arab people in vatsim are kids, and im guessing im a kid to and a enthuist to flight sim... and most people no offense despise in a way kids flying or atcing, cause in a way for proffesional causes..


and im guessing you noticed it, we in middle east dun have that enough of scenery, we got omdb which really attract pilots and other than that we got oman mesh and bahrain freeware airport, then simple addons.... which in a fact dosn't attract that many pilots... i dun recall seeing doha airport or oman or yemen or any airport in saudi


and returning to the point of atc, there are not that much of atc going on, i just saw gulf_fss once (3-4 month ago), doha app, omaa_ctr,omdb_twr_omdb_gnd,omdb_app thats it.


anyways not drafting away from Mahmood topic, i would really appreciate of opening one, but im busy doing a new olba scenery in 3ds max 7 (facing prblems inshalla going to repair them and get fsregen somewhere).


but i thank you Mahmood for opening this topic, because indeed this topic will surley attract or build up a new commitee in Middle East in Vatsim.


Ebrahim Kooheji





I appriciate the reply Ebrahim. With regards to scenery; there is a huge amount of talent and many resources within the Middle Eastern flight simulation community which are JUST being realized. Having a physical community (a website, forum, etc) will help pool those resources; in other words, many of the problems (no sceneries etc.) would, in part, begin to be solved if there are a collective place for members of our communities can meet and exchange information and ideas.


Mahmoud A. Fadli - 819693

Deputy Region Director

VATSIM Africa & Middle East Region


"Strength in Diversity"

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Ilan Jonas 860311
we have on different stages of activity: Lebanon (+Syria probably), Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco-Algiers, Gulf division, Saudi-Arabia-Bahrain, Iran, Cape Verde, Mauritious, Congo and of course South Africa. This is huge IMO, but only stage one: it is up to the local communities to further develope the vACCs, and there are many ways to do it.


I am sorry to say that even with this number of VACCs 90% of them is inactive


Morocco-Algiers I don't think they have any traffic,Controllers..etc.. and never found them advertising an event although some times i find a guy or 2 controlling there


(Gulf division, Saudi-Arabia-Bahrain)= VATSAB = the guy who started it after contorlling there for around 10 continuos days he stopped controlling they even didn't make an opening event


Iran ---> is there really a Iranian VACC in VATSIM first time to hear about it



Some divisions and vACCs are less active than others, yes, but they are active and need help. Morocco-Algiers is very active and has a lot of interesting activity - check their website! in the very near future they will operate North Africa Control, which will cover their area up to Egypt and will connect the Mid East to Africa.

Iran is in the making - you'll see it soon Insha'alla. Every beginning is hard - we need to support each other and mainly the support of other vACCs (traffic ya know...).

More answers later on today - I am just taking advantage of my morning coffee now (Strong Arab coffee - with all the respect to Brazil, Columbia or Italian espresso, strong Arab black coffee - Kahawe - will stone you hehe).

Good thread, Let's go on!



Ilan Jonas

Senior Instructor-I3

Former Vatsim Africa/Middle East Region Director(2004-2012)


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Ahmed Hasan 958620

Nice to hear that good news

enjoy ur coffee

and waiting for the rest

a nice topic indeed +1

hope we put some plans and reach a conclusion at the end

Ahmed H[Mod - Happy Thoughts]an


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  • 1 month later...
Amir Odeh 1011772

Hello Guys,

iam new here , my name is Amir . iam from Nazareth Israel.

i just want to express my opinion if allowed about the activity of the arab virtual airlines and ATC .

my opinion depends on one month surfing the servinfo . and i think the lack of activity in the arab world is due to less hobbiers and then the percent of active. u cant for sure build 200 simmers and all of them is active.

but u can make 400 simmers and like 50-70% is active. and those shall do many as well.

so more simmers - more activity shall be.


finally i wish the arab virtual simmers will be many and active like every western divisions.

here a new simmer born , ME with respect:)


Amir Odeh

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  • 4 weeks later...
Mahmoud Fadli 819693
Hello Guys,

iam new here , my name is Amir . iam from Nazareth Israel.

i just want to express my opinion if allowed about the activity of the arab virtual airlines and ATC .

my opinion depends on one month surfing the servinfo . and i think the lack of activity in the arab world is due to less hobbiers and then the percent of active. u cant for sure build 200 simmers and all of them is active.

but u can make 400 simmers and like 50-70% is active. and those shall do many as well.

so more simmers - more activity shall be.


finally i wish the arab virtual simmers will be many and active like every western divisions.

here a new simmer born , ME with respect:)


Amir Odeh


I agree with you, and also we have to consider the fact that the availability of programs (FS9, FSX, etc.) is slowly increasing, and now the region is experiencing lots of growth, especially with regards to high-speed internet and it's availability. Over the past few years the accessibility of private, in home computers and internet access has increased substantially over the past five years alone; what's really needed is more outreach and advertisement to inform people of the existence of VATSIM and FS in general (though FS98 is pretty well known in the region).


Inactivity implies that we have a substantial community, which we do; but that community needs to be introduced to VATSIM in order for any increase to be seen on VATSIM.


Just my opinion.


Mahmoud A. Fadli - 819693

Deputy Region Director

VATSIM Africa & Middle East Region


"Strength in Diversity"

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