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Use for Controllers

David Saunders 818672

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David Saunders 818672

Looked in the forums,


I can see that vroute is useful for pilots, but not very helpful for controllers, I see the Future flights with the "From - Until" which is good, but the present flights, i have to click on each flight to see there arrival times. It would be good to be able to enter an airport code or region code so we can break it down to that traffic only with there arrivals times.

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Michal Rok

I'm planning an airport filter quite soon.


Regarding arrival times - they can be calculated, no problem, but I simply think the data is poor quality - an important factor in arrival time is the STAR procedure which I obviously can't take into account. If you want accurate up-to-date information about arrivals, use DEP/ARR list in your ASRC/VRC - it will give you exact miles distance with 5 second delay. Additionally, I don't have much screen space to squeeze that information in. Do you really think it would be valuable?




vroute.net founder

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David Saunders 818672



All we need is roughly when they are coming into the controllers area, so we can see what traffic levels to expect around a certain time, aircraft dont tend to stay on STARs for very long when under ATC.


If your planning an airfield filter then it may be able to picked up on here.


Vroute has a huge potential, and we all appreciate what you have done, and are doing, keep up the good work.

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