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What ports do I need to open?

Tucker Lambert 947337

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Tucker Lambert 947337

I have the D-Link D-624 wireless router. I am not wireless, I am wired directly to the router. Ever sense I got the router, I would get dissconnected from the Flight Simulation server(Sqwakbox would stay connected) only in high traffic areas like LA where I usually fly. Can anyone answer my questions:


1) What firewall should I use, ZoneAlarm or XP?


2) What are all the ports I should open, and where(Firewall or Router)


If anybody will just list the ports in this topic because its confusing reading all the Router setup pages and the are a bunch of ports and I do not know which one I need to open.


Thanks for any help.

SWVA5688 - Second Officer


"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky." - Amelia Earhart

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