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How can you view air and bgl files?

Gabriel Adei

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Gabriel Adei

While we are on this topic, what program opens the .AIR file for aircraft and .bgl file for scenery. I was just curious to look into them. Thx

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Gabriel Adei

Any takers on this? Please I am waiting for your response.

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Norman Blackburn



Whilst you were waiting you could have used your favourite search engine. I know from a quick check that Google throws up load of results for air files and no doubt will do the same for BGL files.


Short answers are:

Air file - a number of FDE editors exist. Check out any of the file libraries. Abacus I know have a commercial one - I dont have any experience with them however. To be blunt, the whole flight dynamics side of things is a very specialised area.


BGL (scenery) files. There are a couple of tools out there for decompiling BGL files - generally to SCASM. BGL2SCM & BGL Analyze are a couple that spring to mind.


(split from unrelated thread)



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Gabriel Adei

Thanks Norman, after your reply I went duhhhh. Vatsim is spoiling me I get all my questions answered I forget about all the other communities out there. Oh well if you have vatsim what else do u need . But I will check them out. I am not a programmer and will not tinker with those files at all. But I was just curious to see whats in them just like I see whats in the .cfg files.

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