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Event announcements

Dennis Mangold 973237

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Dennis Mangold 973237

Hello everyone!


I would like to offer a suggestion/question concerning events.

Being a vpilot who would like to support as many CPTs or events as possible, I'm always a bit surprised when I learn from a broadcast on the network that there is a test/an event taking place somewhere. I just can't believe that there are many pilots among those already logged onto the network who still try to figure out where to fly that evening.


Not all events are promoted on the VATSIM homepage nor in the different forums of the VACCs. And it's understandable that not everyone is interested in events around the world if they would only like to fly within Europe.


Wouldn't it be possible to set up one single homepage where all European VACCs (including VATEUD, VATRUS and VATSIM UK, maybe even some more around the Mediterranean) could (and should) add their events/CPTs? It would be a lot easier for us pilots to find out about such things and it would be easier for the controllers to get enough traffic. However, this would only work if as many VACCs as possible would work together (e.g. by linking to that page and discontinuing own event calendars).


I just thought it would be worth suggesting...



Kind regards,



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