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LNAV and VNAV switch

Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

for some reason i cant get my LNAV button to work, i have a route set up and everything but when i press it nothing happens, same thing with VNAV, any help? please?


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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

i tried everything, and i think FMC is programmed properly. and whats vertical profile?


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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

oops sorry about that, its Level-D 767, well i tried yesterday, to fly from KATL to KMCO, i found departures of KATL except ATL5 departure, and i couldnt find any arrivals into KMCO, theres only runways, thats all, and the same thing happened today, when i tried to fly from KLAS to KLAX, i couldnt find any departures of KLAS, and i couldnt find any Arrival into KLAX, im new in level-d, sorry for bothering


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Andreas Fuchs

Hi Yusuf, I would love to help you with that problem, but I do not have the LD767...someone else will need to jump in and save your day. As a general remark I can only suggest that you go through the FMC-manual and the tutorial flight. LNAV and VNAV will only work if all data is set - no data, no flight information, no LNAV and VNAV.

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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

ok thanks for trying sir, and data is set on the FMC, i think its an annoying bug


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Paul Byrne

Hi Yusuf,


I don't think it's an annoying bug. The LevelD is a well programmed aircraft and handles very realistically. Pure and simple, if VNAV or LNAV will not engage then you are doing something wrong.


This is the third thread that you've posted about the LevelD. Really, you need to read the entire manual. This package is designed to be realistic and therefore it requires a lot of work to get to know it. It does take time to get to know all the systems of the aircraft as they are quite complex. You're not going to get the "miracle cure" here, as there is none.


As someone else suggested, fly the introductory flight in the manual. This will help you to understand how some of the aircraft systems work.


When it comes to SID/STARs, some of them will not be listed as they will be vectored departures (vectors supplied by the controller) and therefore the FMC is not capable of flying it. You'll have to make the relevant inputs to the controls or auto pilot to fly these departures yourself. Also, if you can't find a departure or arrival in your FMC, just pull up the chart from http://www.myairplane.com and manually enter in the waypoints. It's not hard to do and only takes a few minutes. It's very important that you read the chart anyway, even if it is in your FMC as there will be important information in the chart that you will need (initial headings/speeds on departure, vertical profile etc.).


Take your time and you'll become a master in flying the LevelD soon enough.


Hope this helps.




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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

Paul, i just updated my SID/STARS and i have set up the FMC correctly with the MCP CLB SPD page, but the buttons still wont work or can this be happening because of IRS? (im not that good with IRS)


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Paul Byrne

Hi Yusuf,


Ok, you say you have everything set up correctly with the CLB SPD page. Do you also have:


1) The electrical system configured correctly? If it isn't, certain functions of the FMC/auto pilot won't work.


2) The IRS aligned correctly?


2) Have you entered in the correct info in the PERF INIT page? This involves making your sure you know the correct weight and balance of the aircraft, cost index values for your flight. Enviromental aspects (OAT and winds aloft).


3) Have you correctly entered a valid route and activated it?


4) Have you correctly configured the departure page? This involves correctly [Mod - Happy Thoughts]igning the runway for departure with a take off flap setting and V1, Vr and V2 set.


5) Have you correctly set your flight controls and auto pilot for take off?


If you're not sure of the answers to any of these, then please, read the manual. Everything I have mentioned here will be covered in the manual and will show you the correct use of each system.


Myself, I haven't flown the LevelD in a good few months, so I wouldn't be as intimately familiar with it as I used to be. I can't help you with the specifics. However, from my experience of the aircraft, if you have these things configured correctly, then you should be able to operate the aircraft and it's automation systems correctly.


Once again, I can't emphasise enough how important it is to read the manual. The only person here that can fully teach you the ins and outs of the aircraft is yourself as you have to truly understand how each of the aircraft's systems work (in relation to each other also) and the only way you can do that is by reading the manual.


Hope this helps.




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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

all right Paul, i'll read the manual thanks


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Sven Groot 1044304

I have the Level-D 767 and I do not have the problems you describe. Note that if you are using FSX Acceleration there is a bug that causes the FMC to lose performance data after the engines are started. In that case you need to enter the information on the PERF INIT and TAKEOFF pages after you start the engines or the FMS will not be fully configured and not function correctly.

Creator of VATSIM Monitor, a sidebar gadget for Windows Vista.



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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

thanks Sven, but i already found out what was the problem, the problem was me doing FMC wrong, so i know know what happened, and LNAV and VNAV works, but do everytime have to [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ign the heading so it would fly by my route? When I took off from ATL, i clicked LNAV and i think it was gonna follow the route, but ATC told me to fly Direct to WALIP he [Mod - Happy Thoughts]igned me a heading, but when i reached my climb altitude, and ATC signed off, i wanted the plane to follow my route and i clicked LNAV and it wasnt doing that, giving me the message saying "Not on intercept Heading" and i had to manually [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ign headings by my heading selector, every second, for it to follow. Heres the picture: untitled-12.jpg


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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

any help guys?


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Lennart Vedin

It is only required to set the heading once, then wait the aircraft to be stable at heading, then push the LNAV again.


Set the heading so that the course intercept the route in suggested typical 45 degrees. Then LNAV will be active after intercepting.



An alternative way to do this (how I do). At LEGS page, select the next suitable fix from the list , then put it back on the top of the list. After push EXEC, the AC will go direct to selected fix and thereafter will follow the route. You may even put same fix back to top of LEGS list and EXEC, just to tell FMC you not want intercept, but just continue direct to next fix and then follow route.

/ Lennart Vedin / vedinat.png910701.png

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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

roger, thanks man


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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

roger thanks


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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

wow thank you very mcuh man it worked


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Yusuf Pulatov 1054147

thanks man it worked


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  • 2 weeks later...
Trent Hopkinson




You can make your map display bigger than 5/10 miles with the little round nob, to the right of the Clock (which can turn it's route timer on with the bottom left switch) marked "Range"


I usually use this window to confirm my next waypoint. Once you know this waypoint, go to FMC "LEGS" page and select that waypoint to the top of the list by clicking it (it may already be on the top, this doesn't matter) and then clicking on to the top line (or over the top of itself if it is already on the top line)


This will "redraw" the magenta (purple) course line from your current position to that point. As long as you are roughly on a heading to that point in HDG mode, it will be all good now to hit the LNAV button.



Oh and HUGE HUGE BIG thing!!! Set your Flightsim Options to use Indicated airspeed NOT true airspeed! Your FMC cannot manage VNAV above 10,000ft with this option set as True, as it wants to make Mach 0.80 at 270 knots... not mach ??? at 450 knots as shown here. If the Speed indicator on a 767 read as high as yours is, you'd be doing twice the speed of sound, without the wings still attached.


You don't need to have a duplicate of your Ground/Air speed on your IAS indicator, it's already there on your PFD (attitude/speed/mach/annoculator screen) under the letters GS (in this case 490)


And although the speed shown in the PFD on the speedtape is proper IAS, the actual speed indicator to the left of that is way off the scale. I don't know what happens when you run LDS like that (with True airspeed option in Flightsim on) but by the look of what it's done to the Mach indication (way too high for a 767 at 0.858 - normal would be 0.80 with 0.83 about the maximum) and the position of the "barber pole" max IAS indicator and actual speed indicator (way past the 400 marking) I can only say it's not a good effect


Also click the button "MAN" marked VOR/DME under the VOR setting (108.00 - 000 in this picture) otherwise after an hour or so you will get the FMC message "IRS only" as the FMC can't update the IRS position from the VOR as you have "Fixed" it on 108.00


Now I'm FS2004 only so don't know exactly where to go in FSX to turn those options off (set to Indicated Airspeed use instead of True) but I reccon that's one of the reasons your not getting Vnav to run.



Now what I'd do off this screen is:


1: Press the button MAN

2: go to LEGS page in the FMC

3: Increase range on the map to see what the next waypoint is

4: select that waypoint in the LEGS page

5: Line select Top Left on the Top page (1) of the legs page so that point is at the top

6: close the FSinn control panel so I can flick the switch to VOR on the RDMI which is behind the FSinn control panel

7: freak out about the Speed in the Indicated Airspeed, followed quickly by the Mach number

8: confirm mach number in PFD

9: hit the button "SEL" below the IAS/MACH window and select .800

10: start poking around realism settings menus in Flightsim and find and turn off "Show True Airspeed" and change it to "Show Indicated Airspeed

11: wait for the speed to bleed off.

12: confirm tracking on LNAV to the waypoint selected in part 5:

13: confirm Indicated airspeed nob matched the speed in the PDF, and confirmed it was below the Red Barber Pole which should be below 350 knots at this altitude

14: Turn on VNAV and monitor

15: select VNAV page in the FMC and confirm Mach and Altitude settings and change if neccicary

16: reingage VNAV if neccicary (ie if current altitude matched Selected Cruise altitude in the FMC etc)



Turn on Clock even though we are too late for it to mean anything now

Set the Speed Reminder Bugs, one to current selected speed from Vnav, one to 220 knots, and one to VREF20+20=163 ~165kts


Finally one at 139kts (Vref30+5) in prep for landing ref.


Finally once I was comfortable that the automatics are gonna behave themselves, I'd switch to LEGS page or PROG page untill I needed to decend, where I'd use DEP/ARR page to select star/runway, VNAV page to confirm descent speeds and profiles and winds, and only come back to INIT REF/APPROACH REF page to select the REF speed for Flaps 30, and confirm the ILS


"Resting" page for me is LEGS page over land, and PROG page in non-radar-areas where position reports are needed.


After that it's mostly a juggle between LEGS page and whatever else you need.


Trent Hopkinson YMML. www.youtube.com/musicalaviator WorldFlight 2002,2008,2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2015

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