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VATEG Adds Feedback Form !!

Ahmed Hasan 958620

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Ahmed Hasan 958620

Dear All


VATEG - VATSIM Egyptian vACC has just made a new addition to it's website which features the Feedback form


The main aim for this form is to keep a follow up from pilots about the ATC Services quality provided to them with in Cairo FIR

However we are preparing for a big surprise for our controllers inorded to encourage more pilots to fill the form and submit it and increase the online time and ATC Quality provided.


The new feedback page can be reached via : http://vateg.egyptair-va.com/contact.php




Thorugh VATEG's website on http://vateg.egyptair-va.com by clicking on the feedback box picture


Best Regards



VATSIM Egyptian vACC

Ahmed H[Mod - Happy Thoughts]an


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