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Poland - How to get maps on paper?

Artur Czechowski 1062992

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Artur Czechowski 1062992

Hello there,


Disclaimer: I know I can fetch maps from network but it will be faster (and probably cheaper) to buy them than making my printer working.


So, I decided I will buy maps for Poland. The question is: what I really need?


There is pricelist in http://www.ais.pansa.pl/wspolne/EP_Circ_2006_N_07_en.pdf. Do I need to buy Basic issue of AIP?

Does anyone know if I can buy only maps from section 2. Charts for AIP Poland?

Which maps I need to fly in VATSIM? At the time I'd like to fly ILS, but VFR will be an option too. So, which maps to buy?

I think that I'll need for sure following charts:

- aircraft parking/docking charts

- aerodrom charts (those are maps of runways and taxiways, that's right?)

What's about following ones:

- instrument approach



What more?


Best regards


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Sebastian Valdes 951169

It would be faster and cheaper to get them online. If your printer is not working go to a cafe or somewhere else where you can print them.


All the charts you need are here: http://ais.pata.pl/aip/, hovewer the most basic charts required for online flying are avaible for download and priting on the VACC's website (pl-vacc.org - Maps section).

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  • 3 weeks later...
Krzysztof Szerszen 861225

Buying charts from AIP will cost you more than a simple bw inkjet printer (and the charts will get outdated in a month or two).

Realistic ultra-intolerant.

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