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Schiphol SIDs

Paul Croft 859410

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Paul Croft 859410

Yesterday evening (31 May) I flew from Schiphol to England. The [Mod - Happy Thoughts]igned departure runway was 36C. Clearance delivery [Mod - Happy Thoughts]igned me a VALK2W departure which I was not familiar with, nor could I find it listed anywhere - including the AIP Netherlands website. I asked for the waypoints of the SID but no-one could provide them. I was told I would be vectored after take-off but I wasn't. AIP Netherlands only lists 5 VALKO sids; 1S, 1N, 2X, 2E and 1G. I wonder if a Dutch controller would please be kind enough to explain the VALK2W procedure to me or tell me from where I can obtain the details.


Many thanks


Paul Croft

15 mls north of EGKK

Paul Croft

15 miles north of EGKK

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Fritz Eisler 879638

Hi Paul,


Short answer: there is no VALKO 2W dep from rwy 36C (and if there were it would have been a GORLO 2W).

There is no BERGI 2W dep either.


Long answer a bit more complicated. Since a couple of years we have 3 N-S runways (36L which is IRL the main dep-rwy of the 3, 36R for landings, and 36C which can be used for arr's and dep's depending on traffic. The Westbound departures (BERGI's and GORLO's) are normally taking of from 36L (the most westerly rwy) ofcourse. If for some reason 36C must be used for them the procedure is climb rwy hdg to 3000 ft and then radar vectored by DEP/APP to REFSO/GORLO or BERGI/SUPUR.

This procedure is not always known to every virtual DEL and TWR controller (yet). And should be more common in the virtual world, since not all pilots have our newest runway in their scenery (but only the "old" 01R and 01L which are now 36R and 36C).


Pilots on 36C (01L) that can only depart by flying SID's can use the BERGI 2V and the GORLO 2V SID's, 36L and 36C are close enough .

As long as there is no traffic taking of from 36L ofcourse.





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Paul Croft 859410
If for some reason 36C must be used for them the procedure is climb rwy hdg to 3000 ft and then radar vectored by DEP/APP to REFSO/GORLO or BERGI/SUPUR


Makes sense. It's very simple, as all 'good' things tend to be. As it happens that's not far off what I did A pity neither tower nor delivery were aware of this. It would have saved me about 15 minutes hunting through online and offline charts. I wonder where on earth they dreamt up a Valko 2w


Paul Croft

15 mls north of EGKK

Paul Croft

15 miles north of EGKK

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