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Vacc-France: welcome to visiting ATCs!

Pierre Theillere 861704

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Pierre Theillere 861704

Hi All!


Our Deputy director decided to give up with his functions yesterday, but it's not really something new to say Vacc-France had not much activity for several years. Many reasons for that.... and quite loads of bad consequences! For example, yesterday evening, we had organsied a fly-in from Nantes to M[Mod - Happy Thoughts]ille with some X-Plane friends.... that was posted on Vacc-France Forum over 10 days ago... and nobody in Vacc-France staffed even posted it on our website http://www.vacc-france.org. But we had much fun, really, and some ATCes opened after seeign us online!

So, now we've got no longer any official "staff" (apart a "director" that we NEVER see ATCing or flying, nor organizing events), we could try to "re-launch" Vacc-France, at least have more activity over France.

I guess VATEUR will take care of use now, I'd like to say welcome to all ATCes who would like to staff positions in France, it would help a lot to change things... and pilots would finally be able to enjoy French crowded skies!


Pierre, LFPG, STV1010

LFRR_V_CTR often!

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Martin Georg 811874

Hello Pierre,


could you please be so kind and contact me in this case via eMail please?

best regards,


Martin Georg


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Pierre Theillere 861704

Hi Martin!


CHeck you PM... with more details!


Pierre, LFPG, STV1010

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Martin Georg 811874



as soon as my mail PC will work again. Had to change the motherboard today, and after that XP refuses to boot

best regards,


Martin Georg


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Marc Biorklund 810874

Incredible ! Pierre, if you check your own post in our Forum you will realise that you posted your flyin announcement 4 days ago and not 10 as you stated previously.


VACC France forum is all almost our Website isn't it ? So if the event is posted in our Forum in the Events section isn't that a part of our website ?


Finally, what does my ATC or Flying time do with my Director function ? When I am online I am Supervising, and answer members questions and I have no time left for Controlling or Flying because I have to use my freetime to supervising, answer mails, send recommendation, approve memberships on our website, answer members questions and help them solving their problems, coordinate Flyins and finally I have a real life.


Finally if you have a problem with me or with the way VACC France is managed you better send Martin a private mail instead or start flaming people here.





Marc Biorklund - VATSIM Supervisor

"We must get back to lifting each other up and stop trying to knock each other down" ©Rolland Collins

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Pierre Theillere 861704

Hi All!


Mark Biorklund is right on one point: I posted the fly-in announcement on the Forum 5 days ago (not 10, sorry really!)... and during theese 5 days our staff didn't even post it as an important news on the homepage!

Yep, I'm NOT happy with how Vacc-France is "managed": enough is to tell about the desert virtual French skies have become due to total lack of staff presence (not to mention censorhip or banning on the Forum of course when simply talking about SB3.... that wasn't in the "unfair" FSInn support "policy"... in fact director's own partisan sight on clients!).

Let's compare with UK or Vacc-SAG: their SUPs and staff guys are very active on all forums, fly a lot, and every evening they're online for helping and SUPping over Europe at busy hours. And what can we see? Loads of event, weekly ones and special ones... and happy ATC and pilots, and lot of activity!

So staff positions at VatSim aren't here for glory, but to be useful and help other have fun. And to my point, NOT announcing a Fly-In clearly shows Vacc-France director's position... at least how it appears as an evidence. And being "ghosty" is a second show for that...

Hope it will help to make things more clear to understand French desert on VatSim...


Pierre, LFPG, STV1010

(don't worry, I have loads of fun on VatSim, of course, flying and doing ATC at LFRR_V_TR!)

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Romain Riviere



enough is to tell about the desert virtual French skies have become due to total lack of staff presence


I beg to differ here : the skies are desert because of the lack of ATC presence. What difference does it make whether the ATC is Staff or non-Staff ? Oh yeah, making an example maybe ? Tell you what, I can still vividly remember, when I was not a Staff member, standing in front of an empty scope for hours, in the hope that I would get some traffic. I didn't need the Staff to show me.


(not to mention censorhip or banning on the Forum of course when simply talking about SB3.... that wasn't in the "unfair" FSInn support "policy"... in fact director's own partisan sight on clients!).

There was and there still is no such thing as a support policy for either client. The forum has a support section for either client too. You're making wild accusations here without too much proof. IMHO you should be more careful than that.


Let's compare with UK or Vacc-SAG: their SUPs and staff guys are very active on all forums, fly a lot, and every evening they're online for helping and SUPping over Europe at busy hours. And what can we see? Loads of event, weekly ones and special ones... and happy ATC and pilots, and lot of activity!

That's right, let's compare vACC-France to the whole of VATSIM-US while we're at it, shall we ? I mean vACC-France had, at its best, maybe 5 or 6 Staff Members. At that time there was relative activity, all in proportion with the size of the vACC and the amount of people involved. Since then, people have left, the motivation has zeroed (any idea why ?) and the activity has decreased because of that. You do the math...


So staff positions at VatSim aren't here for glory, but to be useful and help other have fun. And to my point, NOT announcing a Fly-In clearly shows Vacc-France director's position... at least how it appears as an evidence. And being "ghosty" is a second show for that...

Who mentioned glory here ? Let's get real for a minute please.

Has it ever crossed your mind that someone can sometimes be away for 5 days, or have problems with his PC or Internet connection, or anything else which could cause them *NOT* to visit the forum ? No, of course not, for you it has to be that the baaad Director has decided to punish you ... We're adults, we're not interested in this kind of childish arguments are we ?


Now, vACC-France is technically Unofficial these days. Let the STC (as defined in VATEUD Policy §2) take care of this and stop dwelling on the past.



Romain Riviere

(former vACC-France Deputy Director)

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Benjamin Fels 871459

Thelliere wants to fight in public.


Thelliere is the one responsible for making the West french airspace very unfriendly.

I do know 2 major french VAs avoiding flying in the aera or even on VATSIM because of thelliere.

Not to mention the amount of FSInn pilots that are reporting very bad experience when crossing thelliere airspace while using FSInn (French, Italian...).

Its no surprise Thelliere feels VACCFR bias toward FSInn.

I am not surprised Thelliere got banned.


What i am sure of, is that on no occasion, he is able to teach lessons to anyone.

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Martin Georg 811874



this is not the right place to for such discussions - and personal insults are not tolerated. Thread is locked.


Please take personal accusations to private mail, thanks.

best regards,


Martin Georg


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