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Completely Lost

Andrew Bivona 1095507

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Andrew Bivona 1095507

I am new to VATSIM. I have downloaded all of the listed software that is required and installed them without issue. I am able to connect to a network in the VATSIM control panel without any problem. However, I have no idea how to join a session in FSX. I have tried to read through the different papers under the pilot resources page, but I am still lost. Maybe I have my procedure wrong.


How do I join a session where I can listen and observe operations? Does anyone have a step-by-step for me? Thanks a lot for the help. Hope to be flying soon.


Drew B

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Larry James 901346
I am new to VATSIM. I have downloaded all of the listed software that is required and installed them without issue. I am able to connect to a network in the VATSIM control panel without any problem. However, I have no idea how to join a session in FSX. I have tried to read through the different papers under the pilot resources page, but I am still lost. Maybe I have my procedure wrong.


How do I join a session where I can listen and observe operations? Does anyone have a step-by-step for me? Thanks a lot for the help. Hope to be flying soon.


Drew B


It would help if you mentioned which pilot client you installed. However your choice of pilot client really doesn’t matter. Once installed, just file your flight plan connect to VATSIM according to the instructions. If the facility has ATC coverage tune your radio (via your cockpit’s radio stack in Flight Simulator) to their frequency and request clearance and follow their instructions. If the facility doesn’t have ATC coverage tune your radio to the Unicom frequency. If there are other planes in the vicinity, announce your intentions to ensure separation and fly your flight plan. If a controller comes online during the course of your flight they will request that you tune your radio to their frequency.


Look at the required reading section of the PRC and perform the First Flight lesson. This should answer lots of your questions, or at least give you a learning curb to ask more academic questions.


By the way, the PRC is like the bible of VATSIM. It’ll have references to most of the questions you’ll start out with. If you think of your question, then look at the list of topics on the left side, you’d almost certainly see a section that you can go directly to that will help you.


You can download Servinfo from the software addons section to see which facilities are populated with ATC.


Again, if you have the pilot client installed without issue, there shouldn’t be any problems. As the PRC references in the Software section, there’s nothing else really needed but the pilot client and your Flight Simulator. Connect, then fly your flight plan.


If you’re having questions concerning the pilot client you installed (the only software necessary for connection to VATSIM which you said you already installed) you’d have to specify which one you installed. But again, once installed, just connect according to the instructions of the pilot client and fly your provided clearance, which is easier done than said.


I don’t want to [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ume that you can’t handle your plane, or understand ATC instructions. Those components can be practiced offline by using Flight Simulator’s builtin ATC. That’s where I originally got a big learning curb. But the time I read the PRC, I knew what they were talking about when it referred to contacting the controllers and following their instructions.


By the way, welcome to VATSIM… Enjoy!


-- L. James



L. D. James

[email protected]



  • Not a regular post, but a special
thread/message stuck to the top with special meaning… containing important forum information.


For FSInn/VATSIM issues, please test the FSInn Installation sticky and linked FAQ. It really works!

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John White 828331

Hi Andrew. If you haven't already got it.....get SERVINFO which is a freebie. That will show you where ATC controllers are busy with traffic. Just go to that airport making sure you park at the terminal (its a capital offence to park on a runway/taxiway). Tune your COM1 radio to the Tower frequency and just listen in....then if confident, submit a flightplan for simple circuits and talk to the Tower as per PRC instructions.

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Andrew Bivona 1095507

Thanks for all of the help! I feel ready to go. However, I do have one last question that is a little vague to me after reading in the resources.


Before I connect to VATSIM, while I am parked, do I need to be in the free flight mode of FSX or on the multiplayer side? I connected last night on the free flight side; however, there was no traffic. I think it was because of the time. I did have one aircraft on the radar in FSinn. I want to make sure I am on the right mode so that I may see the other traffic. Thanks again.


Drew B

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Larry James 901346
Thanks for all of the help! I feel ready to go. However, I do have one last question that is a little vague to me after reading in the resources.


Before I connect to VATSIM, while I am parked, do I need to be in the free flight mode of FSX or on the multiplayer side? I connected last night on the free flight side; however, there was no traffic. I think it was because of the time. I did have one aircraft on the radar in FSinn. I want to make sure I am on the right mode so that I may see the other traffic. Thanks again.


Drew B


The mode doesn't matter. What matters is that you do not connect while on a taxi way or runway. You should always connect while parked at a gate (there are exceptions for continuing a flight). Again, I'm sure if you perform the first flight lesson in the required reading it'll probably start to make a lot of sense.


Feel free to ask any questions you like, we are all glad to help, and we all were new at one time.


-- L. James



L. D. James

[email protected]



  • Not a regular post, but a special
thread/message stuck to the top with special meaning… containing important forum information.


For FSInn/VATSIM issues, please test the FSInn Installation sticky and linked FAQ. It really works!

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