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VATNZ VFR Flight Club - 05MAR09 - NZOP-NZNR

Mark Richards

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Mark Richards

Flight Club - 5th March - Opotiki to Napier


Come join the VATNZ Flight Club this Thursday as we head off further south down the island for the Art Deco city Napier.


This flight takes the group south of the Glorious east coast township Opotiki heading southbound to the rugged and remote Te Urewera National Park (The third largest in the country) where we will follow the Whakatane River which lies in heavily forested areas. After we will continue heading southbound to the breathtaking Lake Waikaremoana situated in amongst the Urewera's. After p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]ing by the lake we will follow SH38 to Wairoa and perform a touch and go. Leaving Wairoa we follow the coastline to the mouth of the Mohaka River and follow the river up north amongst the deep entrenched spectacular gorges. Following the river will eventually lead you south bound, we will then join and follow SH5 to the coast and head direct to Napier from Eskdale.




Departure Time: Thursday 5th March 2009 19:00NZDT

Flight Time: 1.0 to 2.0hrs


  • Depart Opotiki (NZOP) and head south and locate the Whakatane River in amongst the Te Urewera National Park.
  • Continue south for Wairoa via Lake Waikaremoana.
  • From the lake follow SH38 to Wairoa (NZWO), perform t&g.
  • From Wairoa follow the coast to the Mohaka River around the land to SH5.
  • At Eskdale head south direct to Napier (NZNR)


If you don't know where you're going follow a pilot who does!


Late-comers: Late-comers or pilots not wanting to come for the full flight can join us at Wairoa at around 19:35


Private Voice Channel:General pilot-to-pilot voice chat during this will be available on rw1.vatpac.org/vatnzflightclub.

(Use the Private Voice Chat in SB or the Company Frequency feature in FSInn to tune this server.)


For further enjoyment of this flight I recommend you have the following,

- Red Baron New Zealand Land Cl[Mod - Happy Thoughts]

- Geographx 75m Mesh or 20m Mesh (payware)

- Roads and Rivers of New Zealand (payware)


If you have any further questions please reply to this thread or PM me,



Mark Richards (811451)

Auckland, New Zealand



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