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Improving HD read speed

Aggrey Ellis 964561

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Aggrey Ellis 964561

I have 1 TB hardrive and 1 160 GB drive. he 1 TB drive has Windows 7 and is about 1/4 filled. I am running FS9 with Aero and all the eye candy off but I notice it takes a real long time to acces my hard drive. I was gonna fly today but FsInn took 30 mins to load all my planes, with the load at startup option off. I'm surprised because the new 1 TB drive is SATA3 while the other is SATA1.5




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Garry Morris 920567

Other than reducing hard page faults by shutting down programs and ensuring as much RAM as the program could possibly want is available to it (and you'll still need to load data from the drive), you're limited by hardware.


Your alternative is to partition the drive in half, which might reduce the amount of seek time (emphasis might), or buying a hard drive with a faster RPM. Alternatively, install FS to the other non-system drive (I do this anyhow) to ensure the drive the program is running off of is not being used by the OS and therefore taking longer to also get game files when needed. Either way, you're limited by what you have.

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Lennart Vedin

I use 32Gb 10000 RPM for the primary HDD (only for FS).


At my work (not for FS ) I use 2 HDD x 10000 RPM, RIDE-0 system. To increase read-speed. Require motherboard support for RIDE-0, and two HDD for a primary logical unit C:


SATA 1.5 or SATA 3, I have understand as no much matter, due to the limit is the data surface read-speed.

/ Lennart Vedin / vedinat.png910701.png

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Erhan Atesoglu 1050499

aggrey: the first time you load fsinn it can seem like a lifetime depending on how many aircraft you have. subsequent loads shouldnt take more then a minute or two depending on any changes you made to the aircraft folder.

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