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Andrew Smith 928700

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Andrew Smith 928700

Hello from the UK,Could you please decode this Metar,especially after "RMK"--thank you for your help


RJTT 201830Z 100009KT 9999 FEW020 SCT120 16/13 Q1013 RMK 1CU020 4AC100 6AC120 A2992 P/FR


Regards Andy Smith 928700---UK

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David Klain 874106

Sure. I quote from the AOPA explanation of the RMKS field (by the way, there was recently a great explanation of this in the February 2009 AOPA pilot magazine):

Remarks (RMK) are divided into two categories.


1) Automated, Manual (Augmented), Plain Language (Manual only).

2) Additive and Automated Maintenance Data.


The following describes the order in which remarks are reported.


Automated, Manual, Plain Language Remarks


Volcanic Eruption

Tornadic Activity

Type of Automated station (A01, A02)

Peak Wind (PK WND)

Windshift (WSHFT)

Frontal p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]age (FROPA)

Tower Visibility (TWR VIS)

Surface Visibility (SFC VIS)

Variable Prevailing Visibility (VIS)

Sector Visibility (VIS [DIR])

Visibility at 2nd location (VIS [LOC])

Lightning location and frequency (LTG)

Begin/end of precipitation

Begin/end of thunderstorm

Thunderstorm location

Hailstone size

Virga observation

Variable ceiling height (CIG)


Variable Sky Conditions

Significant Cloud Types

Ceiling height at 2nd location

Pressure Rising/Falling Rapidly (PRESRR, PRESFR)

Sea Level Pressure (SLP)

Aircraft Mishap (ACFT MSHP)

No specific reports taken (NOSPECI)

Snow increasing rapidly (SNINCR inches-hr/inches on ground)

Other significant information (agency specific, e.g. LAST)

Additive and Automated Maintenance Data

Hourly precipitation amount (Prrrr)

a trace is P000

3- and 6-Hour precipitation amount (6RRRR)

24-Hour precipitation amount (7RRRR)

Snow depth on ground (4/sss)

Water equivalent of snow on ground (933RRR)

Cloud Type (8/CCC)

Duration of sunshine (98mmm)

Hourly Temperature and Dewpoint (TsnTTTsnTdTdTd)

sn=0 if T> 0.0C; sn=1 if T <0.0C

6-Hour maximum temperature (1snTTT)

6-Hour minimum temperature (2snTTT)

24-Hour Maximum/minimum temperature (4snTTTsnTTT)

3-Hour pressure tendency (5appp)

Sensor status indicators:



Maintenance Check Indicator: $




If an element or phenomena does not occur, is missing, or cannot be observed, the corresponding group and space are omitted (main body or remarks), except for Sea Level Pressure (SLPppp), 3-, 6-, and 24-Hour precipitation groups. At designated stations, SLPNO shall be reported in a METAR when the SLP is not available.


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Andrew Smith 928700

Thanks Dave.

Regards Andy

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