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Booking system

Igor Kikot 930148

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Igor Kikot 930148

no no no))) Michal, my friend, you are not understanding what is the means this topic

VROUTE - greate programm!!! But now we need some one web interface for many VA and some vACC's. For me, for example, vroute it is programm for knowing on-line situation, but not for booking, besides, for me on a few computers of my work Vroute not started, because blocked by administrator.

About XML. Yes I don't have enough knowledges about programming XML, however we make it and it's work, BUT (!!!) now we need 1 web interface for bookign which can work with VATBOOK (and Vroute too) and will be accessible to all for installation on sites.

XML safe, but not practical....

And [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ure you, I will be never failed ot the Vroute because think about it as about the best! Simply we need an interface on PHP which will be quickly and straight to work with a base instead of do much superfluous.


Michal, if you will help us all and will create such scripts, it will be perfectly! Or will let us to use DB, but through connection, instead of through XML...


Hopes of pilot dies with blow at earth!

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Michal Rok



please don't mix vroute and VATBOOK.


vroute is just one of available clients that uses VATBOOK, just the same way as your website can plug into the same interface. Just like vroute can read booking information from VATBOOK, your website can do the same, and can present the same information.


If the information that VATBOOK delivers must be processed on your side before it can be useful (just like with the case of multiple FIRs in Ukraine) then either I have to program it or you have to.


As to the type of connection - I cannot help the fact that you do not know XML. There's absolutely no possibility that any external website will plug directly into our database over native SQL connection. This is ruled out due to security reasons. The interface is described, there are people who implemented connections into it, and by the way - VATBOOK submission does not use XML at all, but plain text instead.


If you need help with programming the PHP interface, there's a VATBOOK support forum available at http://support.vroute.net/.




vroute.net founder

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James O Grady 904153

Michal there are 2 european booking engines - vroute and euro-book.net, I wouldn't call that 'many'. I personally can't use euro-book.net because the way the website is functioned only allows you to recover your p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]word if you know your username, it can't give you both even if you know your e-mail and ID that you used. I can't even re-register because my ID is already used, so that booking engine is completely useless to me. The interface on it is terrible anyway, and the website itself is near redundant with very few people actually using it to book ATC sessions or flights.


And with your own vroute, I can't use this either as I get a script error anytime I start it up, even though I have a setting set not to show script errors, and it stops everything from loading in vroute. Its obviously a problem on my end as it doesn't seem to be causing problems for anyone else, but for me personally it means I have no means to book an ATC session as there is also no booking facility in the Irish ATCC.


So if someone is willing to develop a new ATC booking facility and has the skills to do it, just let them as I think it would be very beneficial to VATEUD at least. Plus a bit of competition never hurt anyone...

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Michal Rok



I don't know why your vroute does not work, but the right place to address such issues is either the vroute subforum here or at http://support.vroute.net/. Either way, the right way to solve the problem is in your computer, and a solution is not to create a third website replicating the function of the existing ones.


Euro-book.net is not a booking engine since it does not get bookings from anyone else and its hardly used by anyone to read booking information from. Instead, it is a flight tracking tool for VAs who want to see if their pilots actually do the flights. I don't see the point why would someone post bookings to an isolated website, if the whole point of booking is that other people will be able to see your flight?


For the same reason, "a bit of competition" is not a solution to any problem. What VATSIM could benefit from is not another database of flights, but more ways and more convenient ways to submit information to such database as well as broader distribution of the information. I don't see or market VATBOOK as a product, and you won't find it advertised anywhere - it's just a free service to anyone interested, and vroute is just one of multiple clients, equal in their rights to submit information and benefit from information submitted by others.







vroute.net founder

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Andrzej Stachlewski 104848

Sure Michal, and I think that's what is being considered here - just another way of making /viewing bookings for European ATC, and maybye Pilots. In fact, no user cares where database will be located - as long as little realise the advantages VATBOOK has. Therefore, explaining differences between vroute and VATBOOK is pointless, but everyone would appreciate if the bookings from, i.e., vateud site were over vroute too.

That's hell of a job to be inclusive when server kicks you off.

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Igor Kikot 930148

Can we integrating Vroute on our site? NO! So... What we do? We discussing about creating WEB interface which will be working with VATBOOK and integrate on Site


Hopes of pilot dies with blow at earth!

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Nils Hillmann 1069421

I talked with Andreas a few weeks before about a web interface for VATBOOK. So I currently have to do for my study but after the next weekend or the 6th june I would be able to write such a web interface (on php base). This should then also include a (php-)script which is capable to be integrated in any other website.

The only open point at the moment is the user authentication at the web-interface. Therefore I has spoken with one VATGOV, and we will discuss the point. Maybe to authenticate them directly by the cert of VATSIM.

The script which can be integrated into other websites will use the external operator id of this website. Thats the current planning of my side.


Just a little information for you.


You can find plugins for EuroScope at http://es-pluginworld.nilshillmann.de/projects/

Currently available there:

- OCC Plugin Version 1.2 (Development approved by Gergely Csernak)

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Igor Kikot 930148

Just a little information for you Nils )))


Now we almost finish creating authentication by the cert of VATSIM. But question about p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]words is still open. I wrote to VATSIM, but no answer yet....

So we have: almost complete authentification, prepared DB for GET \ POST of information from VATBOOK and I began to create the script of conclusion of information.


If you are ready to help, it's necessary to create the page of briefing for a pilot....


Hopes of pilot dies with blow at earth!

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Jonas Eberle

Thank you guys for considering a tool that will be simple to use and runs on any platform without having to install something!


A PHP-powered minisite will do the job, and I appreciate anyones effort in this direction!


What I do not understand is why does that have anything to do with Europe? This should go to vatsim.net in my opinion (maybe that is your long-term plan, and I did not understand, my apologies).


We will see VATBOOK-Integration in Dolomynum as in Servinfo already. ATC-bookings WILL be used to prepare flights by many pilots, and flight-bookings will be used by ATC to staff - so we will all see benefit from an easy, worldwide browser-accessable system.


EURO-BOOK should connect themselves to VATBOOK or make clear that any booking is isolated from the VATSIM-world.


My 2 cents. I can offer some PHP-experience in parsing text files and HTTP-posting.

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Igor Kikot 930148

Hi Jonas!


Thank you!

If you are ready to help, it's necessary to create the page of briefing for a pilot....and ATC too

------------------------ ////////// -----------------------------

I wrote to VATSIM about p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]word authentification, but I still haven't answer ((((

We have verification of PID, First & Last name, rating, but we need p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]word authentification too.

Anybody is friends with anybody from BoG or webmasters VATSIM? Help, pl!!!!


Hopes of pilot dies with blow at earth!

Hopes of virtual pilot dies with blow at keyboard!

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Igor Kikot 930148

Men, need the script of information "who is online"

Who can quickly do?

Any design. Sorting by time, arrival airdrome & fir


Hopes of pilot dies with blow at earth!

Hopes of virtual pilot dies with blow at keyboard!

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Arne Hunsdiek

Hello Igor,


try VatsimPHP (http://www.bbflights.com/VatsimPHP/).


Good luck,


Greetz Arne

VATSIM Germany Chief Navigation



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Igor Kikot 930148

I know about VatsimPHP....

But how sort pilot's/atc's by FIR in this?! Any ideas?


Hopes of pilot dies with blow at earth!

Hopes of virtual pilot dies with blow at keyboard!

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