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Mark Milton 1115855

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Mark Milton 1115855

I know it sounds stupid but i have no idea how to get onto the server...

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Mark Richards



This is not a stupid question at all.


As far as getting access to Squawkbox, this is for the Instructors to [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ist new trainee controllers get to terms with the VATSIM ATC software. Your instructor should be giving you instructions on how to log on.



Mark Richards (811451)

Auckland, New Zealand



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Craig Phillips 947617

Simple... logging onto the sweatbox.vatsim.net server with your usual vatsim cid and p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]word. You may have to configure the server lists in controller clients to connect though. Depends on which client you are using, because they are different.



Craig Phillips


Senior Student - UK South East - Mentor

Developer: Aircraft Situation Editor (ASE)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Anthony Lawrence
You may have to configure the server lists in controller clients to connect though. Depends on which client you are using, because they are different.


For VRC:

  1. Go to your VRC Folder.
  2. Create a text file called "myservers.txt".
  3. In that file, add a new with "sweatbox.vatsim.net SWEATBOX" (excluding the quotes).
  4. Save the file.
  5. Load up VRC - "SWEATBOX" will be listed in the available servers you can connect to.


For EuroScope:

  1. Navigate to your Euroscope folder.
  2. Open the ipaddr.txt file.
  3. Add the line "sweatbox.vatsim.net SWEATBOX" (excluding the quotes).
  4. Save the file.
  5. Load up Euroscope - "SWEATBOX" will be listed as an available server.


NB: For Euroscope (in the soon to be public version, not sure about the current public version) you can directly type in the IP or domain or the server in the server dropdown list.





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