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Sunday Night Ops - 9th August 2009 - Dunedin and Wellington

Nick Johnston

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Nick Johnston

Sunday Night Ops for 9th August 2009 - Dunedin (NZDN) and Wellington (NZWN)


It's a time of change for commercial p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]enger services to Dunedin. After years of declining services, the city's fortunes appear to be improving with increasing competition on domestic routes and recently announced Trans-Tasman services coming on-stream in the next few months.


This week we're working out the bugs by focussing our activity on the Dunedin to Wellington route. This is the only time we're flying to either of these airports this month so make the most of the opportunity to break out the ILS and to fly two of the most notoriously turbulent approaches in the country.


Each leg should be around forty to sixty minutes depending on aircraft type, meaning you should able to easily fly a return trip in under two and a half hours. Real-world, direct services are typically flown by 737s, but you should feel free to bring along your prop or small jet aircraft.




  • Event Times: Sunday 9th August 2009 1900-2330 NZST / 0700-1130 UTC / 1700-2130 AEST
  • Flight Time: approx. 2 - 2.5hrs to complete a return trip
  • Flight Plan Route:
    NOTE: start the evening at EITHER of the airports and fly a return trip to the other
    Ex Dunedin
    NZDN/NZWN: (DNWN3 - FL250 and above) SW H159 SALOG Y771 CC V393 WN
    NZDN/NZWN: (DNWN4) SW H159 CH V393 WN
    Ex Wellington
    NZWN/NZDN: (WNDN3 - FL260 and above) WN H159 KARSA Y890 MIPAK H343 SW
    NZWN/NZDN: (WNDN7 - 12000ft and below) WN H159 CH H343 SW
    Click on the image below to view the preferred routings in the interactive airspace map:
  • Airport Details: Dunedin Airport
    Likely arrival r/w 03: ILS RWY 03
    Likely arrival r/w 21: ILS RWY 21
    Likely departure r/w 03: SWAMPY THREE or EAST TWO
    Likely departure r/w 21: NORTH FOUR or PENINSULA TWO
  • Airport Details: Wellington Airport
    Likely arrival r/w 16 - CAPE CAMPBELL TWO BRAVO (CC2B) then ILS/DME RWY 16 or VOR/DME RWY 16
    Likely arrival r/w 34 - CAPE CAMPBELL TWO ALFA (CC2A) then ILS/DME RWY 34 or RNAV RWY 34
    Likely departure r/w 16: PEGSA3
    Likely departures r/w 34: TITAHI BAY FOUR (TY4), DAMBO5 (non-jets only)
  • Charts/Airspace Info: Charts for all the procedures listed here are available by clicking on the airport links above.
    General Airspace information and details for all VATNZ airports available from the VATNZ Airspace Reference site.
  • Priority ATC Positions:
    NZDN_TWR - Dunedin Tower
    NZWN_TWR - Wellington Tower
    NZWN_APP - Wellington Control
    NZCH-S_CTR - Enroute Control
    Note: this event is NOT focussed on Christchurch - please give priority to providing full coverage at Wellington and Dunedin.
    Note: If you're providing ATC on the night, please give priority to these positions. They are not an exclusive list, but they are the ones that will see the most action this Sunday.
    To reserve a particular ATC position, please post a message to that effect (including the times you expect to be online) in this thread. If possible, also book your position using vroute - large numbers of bookings in vroute attract additional traffic.
  • Late-comers/Shorter Alternative: Late-comers or people looking for a shorter flight should consider flying only one of the legs. The goal is to concentrate as much traffic as possible on our two featured airports.



If you have any questions please feel free to email me, or reply to this thread.




Nick Johnston

IT Director, VATNZ - VATSIM New Zealand
Cross the Ditch Guy, Cross the Ditch

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