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French / French Speaking Supervisors.

Sebastien Bartosz

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Sebastien Bartosz

Good evening everyone,


Here is a subject that has been on my mind for a little while, but is slowly growing and growing as the time p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]es:


I believe that Europe is missing a few SUP's, in particular those who speek French to help new-commers with very poor english, possibly no english skills at all.

The problem is growing to a point where when I am online (I don't know about any other French controllers) and I constantly get PMs or what not asking for help, when I don't have the time to actually help the person. It get's worse, I have to talk with these people on the VATFrance TeamSpeak while trying to control at the same time, or even worse: I have to add these people on MSN to help them which can sometimes become a nuissance.

What I usually tell these people is to try and post on the VATFrance forums, but they don't, even when I insist.


Even when the person does once in a blue moon ask for help on the forums, that still does not solve the essential problem: There is a lack of online presence of French people who can offer help; which leads to sometimes havok (yes, that's right) for the controller, which often leeds to a .wallop to a SUP who is very busy (controlling... mostly Flo Harms - sorry mate !) and has to deal with this person; without being able to actually help them on that note...


I counted earlier today, and VATFrance counts 1 Supervisor (Who is rarely online. No blame intended at all ! ).


To those of you who may take this message the wrong way, this is not an ego thing if you know what I mean. I hope the way I wrote my message doesn't give people that idea.





New York ARTCC

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James O Grady 904153

I don't see how France having more Supervisors would help the problem of lack of [Mod - Happy Thoughts]istance to new controllers/pilots. Is the problem not that VATFRANCE as a VACC doesn't have enough resources to cope with the increased online presence in France? Maybe thats what should be looked at, not increasing French Supervisors. At the end of the day Supervisors are there to act on behalf of the network, not one particular group or nationality, and are there to act as mediator in conflicts and enforcer of the rules and regulations, and shouldn't IMO be expected to provide basic support to pilots and new controllers that should be the responsibility of the local VACC.

VATFRANCE just needs to organise itself better IMO and improve the training resources available on it's website, and maybe coordinate better with local flying groups and VAs so that pilots have better access to training aids and docomeents, which would help avoid 'havoc' situations where supervisors have to be called in the first place.

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Sebastien Bartosz

James, although I do agree with you somewhere along the line, what I was trying to say is that there is a lack of online help for these people. Instead of just .kill "Ah, got that noob outta here" They have to learn somewhere along the line.

And P.S The VATFrance training material is well done, written by a VATFrance real world controller I believe it was him...

The VATFrance staff (which I am not a part of by the way just to clear things up) also tries to enforce the reading of these docomeents too.. hmm...


And when you say At the end of the day, Supervisors are there to act on behalf of the network, not one particular group or nationality I agree, of course a SUP wouldn't just monitor one zone (even though you don't see SUPs of South America SUPing in the Middle East, I took that as an example) but it would aid that particular group of people in the online environment in their mother tongue. I would also like to add that my first post was not necessarily meant to be like I, Sebastien, want to be a SUP, nono, sure, I'd love to help if I could, but maybe try and elect a French staff member? who has a little more time on their hands to help a little more?


Sometimes I take my time (2-3 hours) on TeamSpeak just to help someone, which it did work by the way! Tought him how to use vRoute etc. now he files his flightplan correctly, and flies the SIDs/STARs etc. The phraseology is a bit slow and touchy but you know.... that has nothing to do with this subject.





New York ARTCC

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Ernesto Alvarez 818262

there may be a solution already in the works. especially when the pilot ratings and training get going. not only in the form of VATSIM staff either, as pilot training will open new doors to independent training groups that unlike VA's, will focus solely on training pilots, and these groups may also be able to focus on local pilots in the areas they "operate"

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Sebastien Bartosz

Interesting Ernesto, didn't think of that.


We'll see what turns out.

New York ARTCC

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Mike Sweeney

All correct, Supervisors are online to [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ist members, but not necessarily sit there and read outloud the Pilot Resource Center docomeents to them, in french or english.

Some nice things we see online is that any VATSIM member can help another member, it doesn't need to only be a network Supervisor who can help answer a question for a new joiner. And for the new VATSIM joiner(s) who you have helped Sebastien, by all means they are equally invited to help p[Mod - Happy Thoughts] along that to new joiners coming online after them.


Another example, I recall France organizing a sortie in co-operation with VATEIR, the Ireland VACC, for pilots to have a place to practice english while flying in an accommodating environment.


So it seems that there are solutions which can help with the issue you raised, and finally, as you mentioned, the Forum is the place where new joiners who only speak french may ask questions. If there is a reluctance to post there, then the unwillingness to do some "homework" and "self-study" offline, no matter what your native language is, will not be solved by a Superviosr. SUPs can direct people to the resources available for them to learn about VATSIM, and that information is equally available in english, french, portuguese, german, etc.


et voila ..



Mike / 811317

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Adam White 1051448

Hey Sebastien,


If you need help with some people, I be glad to help you out at vatFrance.

ZLA Pilot Cert I11

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Sebastien Bartosz

Trust me Adam, they don't need help


Thanks for offering though.

New York ARTCC

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