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VATNZ has a new Division Director

Mark Richards

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Mark Richards

It is with much pleasure that I announce the appointment of Nick Johnston as the new Division Director for VATSIM New Zealand (VATNZ).


Nick is well known to our members having been involved since the SATCO days and a VATSIM members since 1997 and has held a number of positions within our community including:


  • Network Server Administrator
  • VATSIM Supervisor
  • VATNZ IT Director


Nick has created and maintained a number of software applications and solutions for the VATSIM community over the years, ranging from the ATC Display applet and GoogleEarth feed, to the current VATNZ website and its internal applications.


Nick has held the position of IT Director within VATNZ since its inception, and has been actively involved in VATNZ board discussions and actions throughout his time here. As well as implementing and maintaining the VATNZ website, Nick has also been heavily involved in the resurrection of the Sunday Night Ops, and creation of the Flight Club events.


Congratulations Nick and all the best!

Mark Richards (811451)

Auckland, New Zealand



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Adam White 1051448

Congratulations Nick! You'll do an great job.

ZLA Pilot Cert I11

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