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Major Event: VATPAC Conflict for Controllers - Tuesday 20/9

Shannon Wells

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Shannon Wells

Hi everyone,


Just a heads up that Tuesday Evening (australian eastern time), vatpac will be hosting the Conflict for Controllers Event


If you haven’t done one of these events before, they are created by VATPAC’s local ATC guru, John Keech, who has spent much time creating the flight schedules, to create as much havoc as possible for the controllers online. For example, two or three flights might be planned to arrive at the same point, at the same altitude, at the same time, and it’s up to the controller to see this, and take appropriate action. Things like that make it very busy – very quickly, and great fun for pilots and controllers alike.


If you are afraid it sounds too hard, don’t be, as it’s a lot of fun, go to the website http://kkkevents.no-ip.info/vatsim/ and fill out your details, so we know who will be coming.


We look forward to seeing you there !



VATPAC Director Events and Virtual Airlines

VATPAC DCRM, Former VATPAC Division Director and Former VATSIM Senior Supervisor


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