Moises Araujo 943207 Posted July 6, 2008 at 02:05 AM Posted July 6, 2008 at 02:05 AM Transcribo el mensaje: Buenas Noches, Perdonen este mensaje. Esta semana está llena de buenas noticias y por ende creo que también lo son para VATSIM Colombia. Colombia ha sufrido mucho por culpa de esta saliente administración regional. Una nueva administración sin duda alguna traerá cambios positivos para nosotros pero para que esto pase tenemos que actuar. Sea esta la oportunidad para renovar también nuestra acabada Aviación Virtual en Colombia. Creo que es hora de que VATSIM Colombia nuevamente sea lo que alguna vez fue. Creo que es hora de proponer un nuevo lÃder para VATSIM en nuestro paÃs que se encargue de unirnos a todos para poder volver a trabajar juntos: Un nuevo lÃder para volver a lograr puestos importantes en el Iron Mic; para hacer grandes eventos donde hacÃamos control presencial simulando Centros de Control Virtuales; donde la gente volaba motivada por lo real que era el control. Donde la gente aprendÃa de la aviación real en la red. Donde la gente disfrutaba el control. Donde la gente podÃa entrar un domingo en la tarde, o un sábado en la mañana, o cualquier noche en general a volar y encontraba un control bueno, capacitado, que motivaba a la gente a volar. Un controlador que habÃa sido entrenado, que habÃa gozado de un curso de Control Aéreo totalmente gratis; un controlador que se esmeraba por aprender más y que hacÃa el mayor esfuerzo para que los pilotos sintieran que en realidad simulaban condiciones de la vida real. Un control donde el piloto novato aprendÃa a volar, y el piloto real practicaba porque era un ambiente tan real que se podÃa practicar. Un controlador que disfrutaba enseñando a volar o a controlar. No motivado por el dinero pero por el placer de ver a la gente aprender y ver el sistema corriendo como en la vida real. Qué bonito serÃa si democráticamente se eligiera un nuevo lÃder capaz de hacer todo esto realidad. Un lÃder neutral que fuera capaz de unificar nuevamente a Colombia y al Control Aéreo Virtual. Un lÃder que se encargara de llevar a VATSIM Colombia a un nuevo nivel, que haya aprendido de los errores para no volverlos a cometer y se encargara de traer de vuelta a aquellos que se han ido, pero conservar a aquellos que han llegado. Que sea justo, imparcial, y que de verdad tenga una historia constructiva y no de desamor por este hobby. Propongo entonces que basado en lo que se ha aprendido, nos unamos como comunidad y propongamos a una persona con un equipo capaz de hacer que todo esto sea realidad. Infortunadamente en VATSIM las elecciones democráticas no existen, pero una comunidad entera unida con una propuesta concreta de un nuevo lÃder querido por TODOS influenciará mucho en los responsables por las decisiones. Y a todos me refiero a los grupos de pilotos, las aerolÃneas virtuales, etc. Para hacer que esto sea una realidad debemos saber a quién queremos como lÃder. Una persona que obtenga una mayorÃa absoluta. La votación se hace en un foro especial, cada votante firma con su ID de VATSIM y Nombre completo para que exista transparencia. El lÃder debe ser una persona nueva, fuerte, con carácter, carisma, y que tenga un buen historial en la Aviación Virtual Colombiana. Pero más importante aun que tenga la finalidad de unir a los controladores y a los pilotos con el fin de que esta red sea un lugar para poder disfrutar nuevamente. Si la propuesta es bien acogida, propongo entonces la creación de un foro con acceso público en donde todos puedan ver los resultados. Deberá haber un moderador que se encargue de la organización de este foro. Los resultados con pruebas serÃan entregados a los responsables de la toma de decisiones con el fin de mostrar que en Colombia se quiere avanzar en este tema, y que NO somos unos resignados a lo que tenemos sino que por el contrario necesitamos cambiar. La propuesta está abierta para todos los miembros de VATSIM Colombia, pilotos y controladores. Es una encuesta de clima para mostrar que en Colombia queremos reorganizarnos y avanzar unidos, y no en la actual desunión que existe. Invito entonces a todos aquellos interesados que comenten constructivamente, con ideas para lograr esto. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norman Blackburn Posted July 6, 2008 at 11:06 AM Posted July 6, 2008 at 11:06 AM Moises, As you have said, VATSIM does not operate as a democracy. Whilst new ideas are commended, the appointment of a Director cannot be as a popularity contest. The BoG do however wish to see some of the things you have mentioned, like increased activity and a community spirit. Norman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ARIEL MAISONET 811274 Posted July 6, 2008 at 12:30 PM Posted July 6, 2008 at 12:30 PM Moises, As you have said, VATSIM does not operate as a democracy. Whilst new ideas are commended, the appointment of a Director cannot be as a popularity contest. The BoG do however wish to see some of the things you have mentioned, like increased activity and a community spirit. Norman, with all due respect, but for the benefit of our South America friends, here is what you are saying in plain Spanish, nothing more nothing less. =============================================================================================== Moises, Como usted ha dicho, VATSIM no opera como una democracia. Mientras nuevas ideas son apreciadas, el escoger un director no puede ser por medio de un concurso de popularidad. La Junta de Gobierno (BOG) sin embargo desearÃa ver algunas de las cosas que usted menciona; como el aumento en la actividad de su área y un espÃritu comunitario. Original in English by Norman Blackburn =============================================================================================== Ariel Maisonet, C3 Vatsim Member since Satco days RW PPL Instruments & Multiengines Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norman Blackburn Posted July 6, 2008 at 12:32 PM Posted July 6, 2008 at 12:32 PM Thanks very much Ariel, My knowledge of Spanish is to read / listen. I wouldnt dare try to write it - I have a hard enough time spelling in my own language. Norman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ARIEL MAISONET 811274 Posted July 6, 2008 at 12:43 PM Posted July 6, 2008 at 12:43 PM Thanks very much Ariel, My knowledge of Spanish is to read / listen. I wouldnt dare try to write it - I have a hard enough time spelling in my own language. Any time, Any day, my friend! Btw I thought you would be mad; this is a relief. Ariel Maisonet, C3 Vatsim Member since Satco days RW PPL Instruments & Multiengines Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alberto Salamanca 810743 Posted July 6, 2008 at 01:16 PM Posted July 6, 2008 at 01:16 PM Norman is Right. VATSIM does not operate as a democracy. But Colombia has been greatly hurt by the last Regional Administration. Activity has dropped to very low levels. There is no more motivation by pilots to fly or "operate in an environment that simulates real conditions". There is very little motivation by controllers; in fact there is barely any ATC now in Colombia while two years ago Colombia appeared in the Iron Mic almost weekly. There is not a good website, there have not been any events in the last year, migration to IVAO has been m[Mod - Happy Thoughts]ive. I personally resigned to my ATC rating last year. So did many others in Colombia. Many went to IVAO or simply did not come back. What this administration did was to divide Colombia. I believe the message above simply proposes a way to reunite Colombia. Not with a leader chosen by hand by the last RD, but by a true leader capable of reuniting us back, of bringing ATC levels in Colombia to what they used to be. It will certainly not be a democratic election, but a proposal of a new leader to the Division Director in order for him to choose wisely, knowing exactly where the people stand. This message is only a proposal for a solution of a new VATSIM Colombia administration for the good of the people in Colombia. I am pretty sure this would be the fairest way to reunite a deeply hurt country in VATSIM. Alberto Salamanca Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alberto Salamanca 810743 Posted July 6, 2008 at 01:26 PM Posted July 6, 2008 at 01:26 PM Tranlation only: Norman tiene razón. VATSIM no es una democracia. Pero Colombia ha sido muy afectada por la pasada Administración Regional. La actividad ha caÃdo a sus niveles más bajos. Ya no hay motivación por parte de los pilotos para volar en un ambiente que no simula condiciones reales. Hay muy poca motivación de los controladores; de hecho ya casi no hay control en Colombia comparado a hace dos años en donde Colombia aparecÃa en las listas del concurso Iron Mic casi semanalmente. No hay una buena página web, no ha habido eventos en el último año, y la migración a IVAO ha sido masiva. Personalmente renuncié a mi rango de controlador cuando esto ocurrió, al igual que muchos otros en Colombia. Muchos migraron a IVAO o simplemente no regresaron. Infortunadamente los resultados de esta administración fueron divdir a Colombia. Yo creo que el mensaje de arriba es simplemente una propuesta para unificar nuevamente al paÃs. No con un lÃder escogido a mano por el Director Regional, sino por un verdader lÃder que sea capaz de unirnos nuevamente, de nuevamente alcanzar los niveles de calidad y cantidad de ATC. No serÃa una elección democrática, pero serÃa una propuesta de un nuevo lÃder al Director de Division para que éste escoja sabiamente y sepa con seguridad lo que piensa la mayorÃa de los Colombianos. Este mensaje es solamente una propuesta para solucionar los problemas que actualmente se viven en Colombia. Pienso que es la manera más justa con todas las partes de unir nuevamente un paÃs tan afectado por sus problemas en VATSIM. Alberto Salamanca Norman is Right. VATSIM does not operate as a democracy. But Colombia has been greatly hurt by the last Regional Administration. Activity has dropped to very low levels. There is no more motivation by pilots to fly or "operate in an environment that simulates real conditions". There is very little motivation by controllers; in fact there is barely any ATC now in Colombia while two years ago Colombia appeared in the Iron Mic almost weekly. There is not a good website, there have not been any events in the last year, migration to IVAO has been m[Mod - Happy Thoughts]ive. I personally resigned to my ATC rating last year. So did many others in Colombia. Many went to IVAO or simply did not come back. What this administration did was to divide Colombia. I believe the message above simply proposes a way to reunite Colombia. Not with a leader chosen by hand by the last RD, but by a true leader capable of reuniting us back, of bringing ATC levels in Colombia to what they used to be. It will certainly not be a democratic election, but a proposal of a new leader to the Division Director in order for him to choose wisely, knowing exactly where the people stand. This message is only a proposal for a solution of a new VATSIM Colombia administration for the good of the people in Colombia. I am pretty sure this would be the fairest way to reunite a deeply hurt country in VATSIM. Alberto Salamanca Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pedro Pérez 905371 Posted July 7, 2008 at 02:34 AM Posted July 7, 2008 at 02:34 AM I totally Agree with Moises and Alberto... we need new faces and neutral... THe adm we have here is too low level... There is no real enviroment... I want changes, like many others in this Country. If we dont have democracy... we can name a new candidate and support him as well. We also need that Richard Jenkins, read all this and take our purporse seriously to change our country, and take out this joke called FLYCOL. COLOMBIA VATSIM deserves something better... much better... Name the candidate and we will support him/her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Javier Fernando Melo Cubid Posted July 7, 2008 at 02:42 AM Posted July 7, 2008 at 02:42 AM Yo tambien he visto como la calidad de VATSIM-COLOMBIA ha llegado hasta el fondo. Antes cuando disputabamos el IRON-MIC ya ni aparecemos ahora en las estadisitcas. Es muy triste esto.. Yo apoyo tambien una nueva administracion que se encargue de volver a poner a VATSIM-COLOMBIA en el lugar que ocupaba hace algun tiempo. En cuanto a la eleccion del director este debe ser una persona con liderazgo que sea capaz de recuperar el nivel eso debe ser tenido en cuenta para la eleccion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Javier Fernando Melo Cubid Posted July 7, 2008 at 02:48 AM Posted July 7, 2008 at 02:48 AM Yo tambien he visto como la calidad de VATSIM-COLOMBIA ha llegado hasta el fondo. Antes cuando disputabamos el IRON-MIC ya ni aparecemos ahora en las estadisitcas. Es muy triste esto.. Yo apoyo tambien una nueva administracion que se encargue de volver a poner a VATSIM-COLOMBIA en el lugar que ocupaba hace algun tiempo. En cuanto a la eleccion del director este debe ser una persona con liderazgo que sea capaz de recuperar el nivel eso debe ser tenido en cuenta para la eleccion. I have seen too the quality of VATSIM-COLOMBIA has fallen very deeply. Before we were racing for the IRON-MIC now we disapear from the stadistics.. I also support a new administration in charge of re-making VATSIM-Colombia in the place for some time ago. Regarding the choice of this director should be someone with leadership that is able to regain the level that must be taken into account in the choice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juan Pablo Betancourt Cárd Posted July 7, 2008 at 04:28 AM Posted July 7, 2008 at 04:28 AM He sido también testigo de como la calidad del control y de los pilotos se ha visto afectada por esta nueva administración, si es que asi se le puede llamar. Actualmente los pilotos novatos, no tienen ninguna base teórica para estudiar fraseologÃa, porque en la página de Flycol esto no existe, cosa que COLATC tenÃa un curso muy completo para aprendices, ni siquiera cartas actualizadas de Colombia poseen. es muy triste ver que lleguen pilotos preguntando donde pueden encontrar material de estudio de Colombia y en español y cartas y tener que decirles, lo siento, pero actualmente eso no existe, y esto debido a que la página de Flycol solo es publicidad, fotos y nada mas. No hay una orientación a aquellos que desean empezar. Además, por parte de la división de eventos, no se ha realizado nada. No se han hecho incentivos de Fly-ins, para estimular a los pilotos a volar en Colombia. Anteriormente, bajo la administración de COLATC, un domingo cualquiera, sin haber sido organizado un Fly-in, en la tarde siempre habÃa control en Colombia, y no era solo una Torre, era por lo menos el Centro y Aproximación, que cubrÃa buen espacio aéreo, ahora se puede decir que asustan en las torres virtuales de los aeropuertos colombianos, parecen centros de control fantasmas, si se conecta alguien es un milagro, y como siempre es una torre, y es o de medellin o de cali, cuando todo el tráfico Colombiano está centrado en Bogotá. La administación actual mas que mejoras y cosas buenas, solo ha dejado descepciones, desuniones, gente que se ha ido a IVAO o ha dejado de volar y controlar, y actualmente muchas personas estamos muy descontentas del "trabajo" y la "labor" que han hecho los de Flycol y es por eso que queremos una elección de un nuevo director, para que lo que COLATC hizo conla mano derecha y FLycol borró con el pié izquierdo, vuelva a hacer lo quer era hace mucho tiempo, un espacio aéreo donde daba gusto volar, porque no se sentÃa como un juego como actualmente mucho lo toman, sino que se sentÃa en el espacio aereo real, no solo por le profesikonalismo de los controladores, sino por el entranimeinto mismo que tomaban los pilotos con el material que habÃa en la página de COLATC, y por la cantidad de operaciones en Colombia. Señores directivos de VATSIM, en ustedes está que esto mejore y volvamos a ser un FIR que se encontraba semanalmanete en los primeros puestos del IRON MIC, que sus miembros gozaban de profesionalismo y que las actividades eran tanto reales como de alta afluencia, o que esto cada dÃa se caiga más y más, y más miembros se cambien de red o ya no deseen volar en VATSIM. Queremos un cambio definitivo! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sebastian Gomez 857556 Posted July 7, 2008 at 05:30 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 05:30 PM Although VATSIM is not a democracy it think some democratic principles should be considered in some special cases, like this one. When COLATC died, because of the unfareness from the past Regional Administration, many real pilots and people who really wanted to work for it decided to quit because although people didn't want COLATC to die, the past RD created a division between the members. Many of us resigned to our ATC rating, we didn't want people to be named just because of their influence or friendship with the regional director, and therefore to spoil years of work. Nevertheless these new people filled out the Colombian staff positions, and all that we have now, is the majority of the members complaining because the poorness of the Colombian ATC services, training, and administration. I think people at the BoG should consider this post as a very serious issue, a director for the colombian division should be named considering members opinion, if a majority agrees we shouldn't have major problems in the future. Finally, I just want to share with you something that a very close friend of mine says. "There are two kinds of people. People who want to do things for other people, and people who just care about their own benefit". It would be great to have a new ARTCC director that wants to do things for people, so that everybody can enjoy it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Jenkins Posted July 7, 2008 at 06:02 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 06:02 PM Thank you for the comments. While I am sure things could be better in Colombia, I feel there are people trying to cloud two issues together. As you know I am not one to entertain vague ambiguous characterizations and will only deal with demonstrated facts. I do not condone character [Mod - Happy Thoughts][Mod - Happy Thoughts]ination and will not listen to generalities designed to bring undue emotional bias in some sort of attempt to sway the debate. I'm not interested in hearing about what happened a year ago. Coming to this forum and saying "Member X" is a bad leader without supporting evidence means nothing to me. Please bring me facts about the current situation. RJ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sebastian Gomez 857556 Posted July 7, 2008 at 09:27 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 09:27 PM As always the BoG doesn't give us any possible solutions. As you say Richard, neither I am interested in what happened in the past, but what can we do to solve this issue. I feel the purpose of VATSIM and specially of the BoG should be of giving us possible solutions to problems, not standard messages saying that you don't care about it. So I invite you Richard very kindly to give us a solution. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alberto Salamanca 810743 Posted July 7, 2008 at 09:41 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 09:41 PM Richard, Your message obviously refers to my post. So I would kindly request you erase my message in order for it not to be taken into account. I invite you though to read it again to see that there is nothing unpositive about it. It was simply a proposal of a way to reunite Colombia which IS divided right now. But please listen to what other members say. Do not let your bias against me cloud what other people are saying. You should see the external non-vatsim forums and mailing lists and realize like this the great amount of people that would like to see a change in Colombia for the good. Please list the ways in which these facts can be demonstrated in order for the BOG to be satisfied. Alberto Salamanca Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pedro Pérez 905371 Posted July 7, 2008 at 09:44 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 09:44 PM Mr. jenkins, just like you said, needing evidence? Evidence is cehck what COLATC was one year ago, and check what is FLYCOL right now... There is no match between them. FLYCOL has been always under COLATC administration. You can check statics from FLYCOL, only control on MDE o CLO. Yo u Rochard shloud take us seriopusly, because we are always saygin the same... WE WANT CHANGES, and many people say that... dont youi think that this is a very seriuos evidence?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Javier Fernandez 952913 Posted July 7, 2008 at 10:19 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 10:19 PM Richard, You're right in your appreciation that only facts and data must be considered for this subject. Just take a look then on the activity statistics for Colombia. Just go and compare two years ago activity with today's and then make your own conclusions. We just want to have this back to the point of having good quality ATC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Jenkins Posted July 7, 2008 at 10:20 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 10:20 PM As always the BoG doesn't give us any possible solutions. As you say Richard, neither I am interested in what happened in the past, but what can we do to solve this issue. I feel the purpose of VATSIM and specially of the BoG should be of giving us possible solutions to problems, not standard messages saying that you don't care about it. So I invite you Richard very kindly to give us a solution. That isn't what I said and I'll thank you not to mischaracterize my statement. You are the one here calling for change. So far you have cited no specific action or inaction and that is why I called for supported facts. Coming here and saying "change" without any indication as to what change is desired or needed would be irresponsible. I am a neutral party in all of this and can only weigh the evidence presented and ask questions in regards to that evidence. Thank you, RJ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Jenkins Posted July 7, 2008 at 10:22 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 10:22 PM Mr. jenkins, just like you said, needing evidence? Evidence is cehck what COLATC was one year ago, and check what is FLYCOL right now... There is no match between them. FLYCOL has been always under COLATC administration. You can check statics from FLYCOL, only control on MDE o CLO. Yo u Rochard shloud take us seriopusly, because we are always saygin the same... WE WANT CHANGES, and many people say that... dont youi think that this is a very seriuos evidence?? You're on the right track. Now collect that data and present it. RJ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Jenkins Posted July 7, 2008 at 10:43 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 10:43 PM Richard, Your message obviously refers to my post. So I would kindly request you erase my message in order for it not to be taken into account. I invite you though to read it again to see that there is nothing unpositive about it. It was simply a proposal of a way to reunite Colombia which IS divided right now. But please listen to what other members say. Do not let your bias against me cloud what other people are saying. You should see the external non-vatsim forums and mailing lists and realize like this the great amount of people that would like to see a change in Colombia for the good. Please list the ways in which these facts can be demonstrated in order for the BOG to be satisfied. Alberto Salamanca Alberto, It is not bias. I am a very pragmatic and realist individual. Supporting evidence would include but is not limited to the following: 1. Controller online time compared to same period last year. 2. Membership census comparison. 3. Instructor online time comparison. 4. Promotion rates compared to same period last year. 5. Average waiting time for instruction. 6. Availability of staff. 7. Failure rate of written and OTS exams. 8. Member accounts deactivated from Colombia roster. 9. Demotions? 10. Mentor online time comparison. 11. How many members start training but do not complete at least Sr. Student. 12. Aircraft movements for major Colombian airports comparison. 13. Event participation. RJ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pedro Pérez 905371 Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:01 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:01 PM Ok Mr Jenkins. 1. You can check the statics with ur databse. You will see that COLACT had more pilot flows and skills. 2. instruction poor... And the people that is upgraded are bad skilled. They dont even know how to use real phraseology. 3. They had upgraded less than COLATC... but what do u preffer?? A lot with bad skills, or some but good trained? Make ur own choice. We want good control skill, just like COLATC did. 4. The staff is now broken, i´ve seen instructors quitting their [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ingments, like José GarcÃa and Miguel Botero. 5. Events? There are not events like before. The last event they did was becasue they were scared, becasue many people was upset with them for this bad administration, bad webpage, and bad control skills. it was like strategy to make people happy for a while. Thats no the purpose. 6. They have not IRON MIC award, like COLATC did... 7. The last thing, and very important, is the FLYCOL WEB PAGE... Jesus!! Thats not a decent web page... thats a joke for us... Try to remember what COLATC was... and u will say that im right. COLATC had wonderful trainning books for pilots and controllers. FLYCOL has only 4 photos and no trainning books... Is not enough evidence?? There are some evidences to take care as well. Good day Mr. Jenkins. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Jenkins Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:17 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:17 PM 1. You can check the statics with ur databse. You will see that COLACT had more pilot flows and skills. Go collect the data and present it. It is not my job to prove your case. 2. instruction poor... And the people that is upgraded are bad skilled. They dont even know how to use real phraseology. Very general statement. Explain what you mean by bad skills and provide specific examples. 3. They had upgraded less than COLATC... but what do u preffer?? A lot with bad skills, or some but good trained? Make ur own choice. We want good control skill, just like COLATC did. If they have upgraded less than COLATC, why? What has changed in the training to cause that? 4. The staff is now broken, i´ve seen instructors quitting their [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ingments, like José GarcÃa and Miguel Botero. Are these the same people that are giving the bad instruction? If so, wouldn't them leaving be a good thing? 5. Events? There are not events like before. The last event they did was becasue they were scared, becasue many people was upset with them for this bad administration, bad webpage, and bad control skills. it was like strategy to make people happy for a while. Thats no the purpose. Certainly needs further investigation. 6. They have not IRON MIC award, like COLATC did... Interesting...not sure it is relevant but might point to other manning issues. 7. The last thing, and very important, is the FLYCOL WEB PAGE... Jesus!! Thats not a decent web page... thats a joke for us... Try to remember how COLATC was... and u will say that im right. I agree. I have talked to Sergio Cousens about the website and the need for better information on it. Perhaps those that took the COLATC site from you could donate some of the content to the new site? Thank you, Pedro. RJ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moises Araujo 943207 Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:28 PM Author Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:28 PM Richard, gentleman, this is what I'm talking about: FlyCol has been in Colombia for a year now, what i have done is just a review of this year, and then, compare them whit the Iron Mic times(COLATC). Lets see, first of all, the MOST important ATC position in our country (data taken form VATSIM ONLINE STATISTCS) From 07/07/07 to 07/07/08: As you can see, 630hrs in the selected period, and, if you see the first part, Sebastian Gomez and Alberto still controlling (Gomez quick to his Controller rate). From 07/07/06 to 07/07/07: This was the COLATC period, i'll let the image talk for me: As you can see, COLATC almost DOUBLED THEM. Now, let's pay attention to SKBO_APP Bogotá Aproximación. From 07/07/07 to 07/07/08: From 07/07/06 to 07/07/07: They DONT LET THE PEOPLE TO ADVANCE, we are tired to have just SKBO_TWR always connected and no more, we are tired of the mediocre website they have, for example, the other day I was controlling SKBO_APP, and a pilot asked for help, he told me he was desesperate while this people is doing other stuff, now, what should i tell to that man? I dont even have a website to guide him, like we have it in the past, with an AIP and so much things, so, PLEASE understand, IT'S NOT ONLY a few people, IT IS ALL OUR COUNTRY claiming for a fair play. We are just asking you that Mr Jenkins, asking for those days when we always had Fly Inns, and, if you want, check the VATSIM's news back on and you will see. I hope this post qualifies to be considered like A REAL FACT. Regards, Moisés Araújo Molina 943207 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Jenkins Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:38 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:38 PM Excellent Moises. Your examples show some interesting trends that warrant further discussion. RJ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pedro Pérez 905371 Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:49 PM Posted July 7, 2008 at 11:49 PM 3. They had upgraded less than COLATC... but what do u preffer?? A lot with bad skills, or some but good trained? Make ur own choice. We want good control skill, just like COLATC did. If they have upgraded less than COLATC, why? What has changed in the training to cause that? Becasue, they are running of with instructors, becasue the people that left, is becasue FLYCOL dislike them so much, because is really bad and boring. 4. The staff is now broken, i´ve seen instructors quitting their [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ingments, like José GarcÃa and Miguel Botero. Are these the same people that are giving the bad instruction? If so, wouldn't them leaving be a good thing? Not at all... They are good instructores, and if u heared that they were taked out because bad intructions, its wrong. That may be a FLYCOL strategy to save themselves. Its FLYCOL fault. 7. The last thing, and very important, is the FLYCOL WEB PAGE... Jesus!! Thats not a decent web page... thats a joke for us... Try to remember how COLATC was... and u will say that im right. I agree. I have talked to Sergio Cousens about the website and the need for better information on it. Perhaps those that took the COLATC site from you could donate some of the content to the new site? Thank you, Pedro. Well, the FIRs or ARTCCs starts with a good webpage, and certainly we dont have anything... Honestly Mr. Jenkins, Colombia deserve something better. We are not asking COLATC back, but we deserve better things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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